chicago publications

Voices of the WLM

MARCH 1968

 highlights of this issue include:

Chicago Women Celebrate March 8
"On the Democratic Convention and What to do about it"
"Radical Women and the Rankin Brigade"
"Call for a Spring Conference"
"Chapter Report"

JUNE 1968

highlights of this issue include:

"Sexual Service System"
"Cuban Women"
"Women's Roles & Racism"
"Dear John"
"From Chicago"


highlights of this issue include:

Plans for WLM National Convention
WLM vs Miss America
Towards Strategy
Pilgrims Progress cartoon
"Women Militant in West Germany"
"The Nitty Gritty on the Woman Question" 


highlights include:

National News

CWLU Newsletter

The CWLU News was the monthly newsletter aimed at the CWLU membership. Here one can truly sense the diversity of ideas and projects within the CWLU.

The individual issues we have online are scanned copies. We also include a brief listing of the highlights of each issue. We will be adding more issues over time, organized by the year and month.

Hightlights of 1970 include news about the Playboy action, women's liberation and the 1970 student strikes, devisivness in the women's movement, the CWLU health center and CWLU city-wide meetings.


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Highlights of this issue include:

Miss Loyola Liberated
Announcements of national womens' liberation conferences
UC Counter Curriculum
The La Dolores Center

APRIL 1970

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Highlights of this issue include:

Playboy Action
Speaker Policy
Women in Viet Nam
Importance of CWLU chapters
Report from a city-wide meeting

MAY 1970

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Highlights of the issue include:

Campus women's liberations and the 1970 student strikes
Women's Liberation protests in the Presbyterian Church
CWLU Medical Clinic Training
Ecology Conference
City-wide CWLU Meeting

JULY 1970

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Highlights of this issue include:

Charlotte Bunch Weeks returns from Hanoi
Southside Women's Liberation Center
Emergency Anti-War Conference
Joreen's Letter of Resignation
Divisiveness and self-destruction in the women's movement


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Highlights of this issue include:

CWLU Health Center
August 26th women's strike
Legal battle against the Illinois abortion law
CWLU staff position now open
The CWLU responds to NBC
Women's radio in Chicago


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Highlights of this issue include:


August 26th women's strike
Huey Newton on women's liberation
Employment and women
Ellen DuBois on feminism
Organizing the CWLU office
CWLU speakers bureau


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Highlights of this issue include:

The Equal Rights Amendment
The passing of Alice Hamilton
Rock band auditions
Ellen DuBois on feminism (continued)
Evaluating doctors and therapists
The Middle East
Letter to Kate Millet


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Highlights of this issue include:

CWLU Citywide meeting
CWLU student organizing
The Pill
Birth of the Women's Graphics Collective
Gay liberation
Alice Hamilton Women's Health Center: Pro and Con


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Highlights of this issue include:

City-wide CWLU meeting
Membership and sisterhood
Women and art
Membership position paper
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Abortion Rally
Courts vs. women
Liberation school

Womankind Newspaper

Womankind was the newspaper of the CWLU from 1971-73. It was conceived as a monthly publication to reach women who were curious about the women's liberation movement, but who were not necessarily activists.

by Cheryl R. Ganz and the CWLU Herstory Editorial Committee
The Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU) designed Womankind newspaper as an outreach publication to spread the ideas of women's liberation, to reflect the political direction of the Union, and to increase awareness of CWLU projects. Published on a monthly basis from 1971-1973, Womankind was one way that people could become familiar with the CWLU

The subscription rate was $4 per year or 25¢ per issue. The publication was available at women's centers, bookstores, and women's events. It was sometimes sold on the street as well.

Copies of Womankind are available for viewing at the Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern University Library's Special Collections Department as well as on microfilm at the Library of Congress.

Note: A complete article index of Womankind done by Cheryl Ganz is available in Adobe Acrobat Format. Download the free Acrobat Reader here.

See also: Consciousness in the CWLU Archive for more information about Womankind.

Cheryl R. Ganz indexed and archived CWLU documents while working as a research assistant for Margaret "Peg" Strobel, a professor of Women's Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Cheryl's contribution to the CWLU Herstory Website Project has been incalculable. She is currently working at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC.